Conversion Rate Optimization

The 2 Numbers That Determine Digital Marketing Success

When you boil it all down, digital marketing success is determined by just two numbers: RPV and CPV.  If your RPV is higher than CPV, then you’re profitable.  If not, you’re losing money on that particular marketing channel. Can you guess what these numbers are? In this article, I’ll define them and explain why it’s [...]

5 Reasons to Start Blogging (Even If You Hate to Write)

I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  In fact, one of the main reasons I studied engineering in college was because there were no writing assignments.  And on the rare occasion I did have to write a paper for school I would always double space with Courier New font.  :) Yet, last year [...]

3 Types of Retargeting Ads Every Business Can Use to Increase Sales

Last week I walked through 4 steps to double your website conversion rates and today I'm going to elaborate on the 4th step, follow-up.  More specifically, how to follow up with all of those prospects that visit your website, but do not end up calling you, completing a webform, or making a purchase. For the average website, we're [...]

Are You Looking For a Magic Marketing Pill?

When you see a diet pill that promises washboard abs in a few months, do you believe it? We all want to believe it will work because we want that push button, silver bullet solution.  But deep down I'm sure you don't really think there is a pill that will remove body fat and replace [...]

Marketing Lessons from My NYC Marathon Training

Yesterday I ran my third NYC marathon and this year was by far the best both in my time and my enjoyment of the race.  I guess 3rd time's a charm. :) If you had talked to me back in 2008 (when I first started to run around the 1.5 mile reservoir), then I would have [...]

A Shortcut to Improve ALL of Your Marketing Results

On Friday, I explained how SEO, advertising, email marketing and social media marketing can all work together to improve your digital marketing performance.  In short, each of those 4 channels benefits from the others.  For example, as you improve your advertising campaigns, you'll naturally generate more traffic and sales from SEO because more and more prospects [...]

The “Keystone” of Successful AdWords Campaigns

Unless you've studied architecture or engineering, then you may not have heard of the word keystone.  A keystone is the final wedge-shaped piece at the very top of a stone arch.  Until this piece is correctly placed, the arch can not hold weight.  In other words, the arch would crumble and be worthless without the keystone. [...]

The 3 Critical Areas to Optimize Your AdWords Campaign

When I talk to business owners who are managing their own AdWords campaigns, they typically fall into one of the following two categories: First is the "set-it-and-forget-it" management style.  They check in on the ads once a month (or so), but for the most part do not make any edits.  In other words, they are not actively managing [...]

4 Tactics to Increase Sales From Your Website

Most of the information about digital marketing is focused on tactics to drive more prospects to your website.  It makes sense because if you don't have any traffic, then there is no way your website is going to generate any sales. But traffic is really just one aspect of digital marketing, and you'll never be [...]

3 Ways Online Marketing Can Boost Your Offline Marketing ROI

Obviously I think online marketing  is great, but I also realize that many businesses do not (and should not) rely 100% on online marketing.  Other traditional "offline" marketing tactics like direct mail, telemarketing, print ads, TV, radio, conferences, etc. can also be very profitable methods to drive sales. And if you're already getting results from your offline marketing, then I have some great news. [...]

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