
Google Ads Search vs Display Network: What’s The Difference?

To be blunt, it's easy to waste a large percentage of your advertising budget with Google Ads. Google has designed the Google Ads platform with advertising professionals and analysts in mind and therefore choosing the correct setup for your campaign's goals is often tricky. That is to say, one seemingly innocuous setting can throw off an entire campaign. In this article, [...]

A Guide to the Google Ads Universe

When you think of Google Ads, then where do you picture the ads?  My guess is you immediately think of the ads on  Do a search in Google and you'll typically see 3-4 ads at the top of the page that look strikingly similar to the organic results, except for the small "Ad" text [...]

How to Create Facebook Ads That People Love (& Also Generate Sales)

The holy grail of advertising is to create an ad that people like and actually want to share with friends, while at the same time including an offer to drive leads and sales. Watch a few Geico commercials to see how it's done. However, most ads fall well short of that lofty, 2-pronged goal.  They typically [...]

How to Retarget Prospects With Google AdWords Search Ads (RLSA)

If you're using Google AdWords search ads without RLSA, then you're missing out on a big opportunity to improve your advertising performance. What Is RLSA? RLSA is simply an acronym for Retargeting Lists for Search Ads.  It's Google's fancy terminology for retargeting in the search network. In case that didn't make sense, let's take a [...]

Are YouTube Video Ads Better Than TV Ads?

About 2 years ago, I started testing YouTube ads and I quickly discovered that one ad format, In-Stream ads, performed very well.  The other two options, In-Search and In-Display, are great if all you care about are increasing your YouTube video view count.  But if you want to drive leads and sales for your business, then [...]

Display Retargeting 101

This is article #2 of our 4-part Retargeting Advertising series.  In case you missed it, the first article was a beginner’s guide to retargeting, which explained how retargeting works and why I recommend you use it to market your business. In part 2, we’re going to dive a little deeper into one of the three [...]

By |April 16th, 2015|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: |

Beginner’s Guide to Retargeting

Over the next couple weeks I’m going to publish a 4-part series about retargeting advertising. Why? Because retargeting is one of the most cost-effective, laser-targeted forms of advertising for small businesses. If you’re already advertising online, then retargeting will help you increase your return on ad spend.  If you’re not yet advertising, then retargeting is [...]

By |April 12th, 2015|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: |

3 Types of Retargeting Ads Every Business Can Use to Increase Sales

Last week I walked through 4 steps to double your website conversion rates and today I'm going to elaborate on the 4th step, follow-up.  More specifically, how to follow up with all of those prospects that visit your website, but do not end up calling you, completing a webform, or making a purchase. For the average website, we're [...]

4 Tactics to Increase Sales From Your Website

Most of the information about digital marketing is focused on tactics to drive more prospects to your website.  It makes sense because if you don't have any traffic, then there is no way your website is going to generate any sales. But traffic is really just one aspect of digital marketing, and you'll never be [...]

YouTube Advertising: How to Target Your Ideal Prospect

On Monday I posted the 6 reasons why YouTube video ads are a better option for most small businesses than TV ads.  You'll see at the top of the list (#3) is Precision Targeting. If you know exactly who you want to target, then chances are pretty good you'll be able to reach them using YouTube [...]

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