
Pros and Cons of Investing in Social Media Marketing

Social media is a crowded space with a lot of options, yet the marketing potential for social media extends beyond simply posting and watching the interactions pour in. There are numerous ways to invest in social media marketing, but not all will produce the type of return on investment (ROI) you’re looking for as a [...]

Top 4 Reasons Why Small Businesses Don’t Invest in SEO

Tired of settling for pages 3, 4, or 5 or lower in Google's search rankings? Too many business owners don't vie for top-shelf rankings because they're intimidated by the competition. And let's face it -- small business owners can't match the budgets and metrics of the Walmarts, Targets, and Best Buys of the world. No [...]

10-Minute SEO Test: How To Determine If Your Competitors Are Investing In SEO

Have you ever wondered if your competitors are investing in SEO?  If you knew they were and you're not, then you may need to start in order to compete long-term.  Or, if your competitors are not yet investing in SEO, then that could be a nice opportunity for your business to gain the upper hand. [...]

Do You Have Realistic Expectations For Your SEO Campaign?

I remember a few months after my son Emmett was born, my wife was disappointed that she couldn't finish a workout.  This particular workout was quite easy for her before she was pregnant with Emmett.  What do you think, would you expect my wife, or any other woman, to be back to her "pre-pregnancy" workouts [...]

3 Reasons to Start SEO Now vs. Later

I recently had an interesting conversation with a business owner who wanted to start working on search engine optimization (SEO), but her husband (the other owner) didn't agree.  This was one of those classic sales problems that I'm sure you're well aware of. The husband didn't see the value in SEO because currently all of [...]

4 Scary SEO Tactics That Will Forever Haunt Your SEO

Google and other search engines are constantly tweaking their underlying code and architecture. This means that SEO strategy is a moving target, and rankings are always in flux. And in fact, common but bygone SEO strategies that took advantage of Google’s lack of sophistication can now haunt you by undermining Google’s trust in your site. [...]

3 SEO Tips from My Adventures in a Pumpkin Patch

When my son was just a few months old, I drove the family up to a farm in Connecticut to find the perfect pumpkins.  I remember as soon as we pulled into the "parking lot" it was clear we weren't the only ones with that brilliant idea.  The farm was jam-packed with kids, parents, tractors, [...]

How SEO Is Like an Old Nintendo Role-Playing Video Game

This should give you an idea of my age.  I'll never forget how excited I was when Santa finally answered my brother's and my wishes with a brand new Nintendo NES box.  I rotated between Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt daily, and then eventually, I got hooked on a role-playing game called "Dragon Warrior." I [...]

Top 7 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Website

What’s the best digital marketing tactic for driving new prospects to your website? I’ll give you a hint - No matter which tactic you’re thinking of right now, you’re wrong… One Tactic Alone Can Never Be the Best Sure, one tactic will likely be better than others for your business, but that doesn’t mean you [...]

Beginner’s Guide to Local SEO: 5 Steps to Improve Your Google Rankings

Competition is fierce, especially for new local businesses. New businesses are always popping up. A huge challenge for many companies is figuring out how to rank high in Google’s search results. When someone needs a plumber or a landscaper, that person will often search in Google and call the first few listings in the search [...]

By |May 5th, 2023|Categories: SEO|Tags: , |
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