digital marketing strategy

5 Digital Marketing Trends That Are Here to Stay in 2017

We're about to ring in the new year where people across the world will set their resolutions for 2017. Along with your personal resolution, why not make a resolution to guarantee that 2017 is the best year yet when it comes to your digital marketing? In order to do that, you need to make sure you [...]

3 Risks to Be Aware of When Researching Digital Marketing

When was the last time you took out an encyclopedia or looked something up in the dictionary? That's probably a tough thing to remember but there was a time that using them was the only way to find information. Then came Google. With mobile search, getting instant answers to your questions is incredibly fast and [...]

The 2 Numbers That Determine Digital Marketing Success

When you boil it all down, digital marketing success is determined by just two numbers: RPV and CPV.  If your RPV is higher than CPV, then you’re profitable.  If not, you’re losing money on that particular marketing channel. Can you guess what these numbers are? In this article, I’ll define them and explain why it’s [...]

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