Email Marketing

[Open This] 4 Best Email Subject Lines to Use Today

If you're like me, then you subscribe to many different email newsletters about various topics you're interested in (and probably some topics you're not that interested in, but you haven't taken the time to unsubscribe).  That means every week I receive hundreds of emails and even though I'd love to read most of them, there's simply not enough time [...]

How to Build Your Email List: The Top 3 Ways

Last week I explained 3 email marketing best practices and I received a lot of positive feedback for clarifying how email marketing can actually work for businesses.  Now if you're just getting started, then you've probably realized there is one glaring problem. You don't have an email list. If that's the case, then you'll want to keep [...]

3 Email Marketing Best Practices for Small Businesses

Last night while my mom was talking to my daughter on speaker phone I thought it would be fun to ask her how many people she thought attended a webinar I presented for Target Marketing's audience. Her answer was "5". :) I laughed and told her to multiply that by 100.  Yup, over 500 attended [...]

Are You Looking For a Magic Marketing Pill?

When you see a diet pill that promises washboard abs in a few months, do you believe it? We all want to believe it will work because we want that push button, silver bullet solution.  But deep down I'm sure you don't really think there is a pill that will remove body fat and replace [...]

Marketing Lessons from My NYC Marathon Training

Yesterday I ran my third NYC marathon and this year was by far the best both in my time and my enjoyment of the race.  I guess 3rd time's a charm. :) If you had talked to me back in 2008 (when I first started to run around the 1.5 mile reservoir), then I would have [...]

How to Measure ALL of Your Marketing Campaigns

Last week I wrote about how SEO, advertising, email and social media all work together to improve your digital marketing performance.  Today, I want to talk about how to track and measure each of these marketing channels. The fact is, if you can't track each marketing channel to calculate ROI, then you'll have no idea if it's [...]

A Shortcut to Improve ALL of Your Marketing Results

On Friday, I explained how SEO, advertising, email marketing and social media marketing can all work together to improve your digital marketing performance.  In short, each of those 4 channels benefits from the others.  For example, as you improve your advertising campaigns, you'll naturally generate more traffic and sales from SEO because more and more prospects [...]

4 Tactics to Increase Sales From Your Website

Most of the information about digital marketing is focused on tactics to drive more prospects to your website.  It makes sense because if you don't have any traffic, then there is no way your website is going to generate any sales. But traffic is really just one aspect of digital marketing, and you'll never be [...]

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