Tracking and Analytics

Are You Looking For a Magic Marketing Pill?

When you see a diet pill that promises washboard abs in a few months, do you believe it? We all want to believe it will work because we want that push button, silver bullet solution.  But deep down I'm sure you don't really think there is a pill that will remove body fat and replace [...]

What Really Determines Success or Failure in Digital Marketing

What is the one thing that determines success for failure in a digital marketing campaign? Don't worry, I'm not going to make you wait until the end for an answer to this question... The answer is your tracking.  Literally speaking, your tracking is what tells you whether your digital marketing campaign was a success or [...]

Why Businesses Should Adopt The “Parent-Teacher Conference”

If you have kids in school, then you know this time of the year is "parent-teacher conference" season.  Even my 22-month-old daughter, Violet, who is in nursery school, had the day off on Tuesday for conferences. On one hand, it's annoying to stop the daily routine for a day and meet with the teachers.  There's [...]

How to Find Low Hanging “SEO” Fruit with Google Analytics

Did you know that buried deep within Google Analytics is a report that will show you exactly which keyword phrases your website is ranking for in Not only can you see the keywords, but also your average Google ranking, how many times your website was displayed in the search results (aka search impressions), how many [...]

How to Measure ALL of Your Marketing Campaigns

Last week I wrote about how SEO, advertising, email and social media all work together to improve your digital marketing performance.  Today, I want to talk about how to track and measure each of these marketing channels. The fact is, if you can't track each marketing channel to calculate ROI, then you'll have no idea if it's [...]

The 3 Critical Areas to Optimize Your AdWords Campaign

When I talk to business owners who are managing their own AdWords campaigns, they typically fall into one of the following two categories: First is the "set-it-and-forget-it" management style.  They check in on the ads once a month (or so), but for the most part do not make any edits.  In other words, they are not actively managing [...]

How to Track Sales from Your SEO

In yesterday's webinar, I presented the 7 steps to rank #1 in Google’s local results.  Since I was limited to 1-hour I wasn't able to go into too much detail about the most important step, Step #7, which is how to track your return on investment (ROI) from SEO. So this article will serve as a follow [...]

How to Track Phone Calls From Google AdWords Campaigns

One of my favorite aspects of online advertising is the fact that you can precisely measure and track performance.  With Google AdWords search ads for example, you know exactly how many times your ad was displayed in the search results, how many people clicked on your ad, and how many people completed a form on [...]

How Do You Measure Digital Marketing Success?

In my experience there are 2 main reasons why businesses can fail to generate return on investment from a digital marketing campaign.  First is lack of planning.  Too often a business will launch an AdWords, Bing, or even Facebook ad campaign simply because they received a free $50 coupon.  Or, they’ll launch a social media campaign because [...]

How to Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

On Friday I listed the 4 Pillars of digital marketing success (Traffic, Conversion, Value, and Tracking), and I addressed the first pillar, Website Traffic.  Nearly all the buzz in the digital marketing world is about how to drive more traffic to your website, but you need to be careful because not every tactic is appropriate for [...]

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