How to Track Phone Calls From Google AdWords Campaigns

One of my favorite aspects of online advertising is the fact that you can precisely measure and track performance.  With Google AdWords search ads for example, you know exactly how many times your ad was displayed in the search results, how many people clicked on your ad, and how many people completed a form on [...]

One Edit to Get Better Ad Position, Cheaper Clicks & More Sales

What is the one edit you can make to a Google AdWords campaign to get better ad position, cheaper clicks and more sales? Did you know that was possible? I promise, this is not a trick question. You can literally reduce ad costs while at the same time improve your ad position and generate more [...]

How Do You Measure Digital Marketing Success?

In my experience there are 2 main reasons why businesses can fail to generate return on investment from a digital marketing campaign.  First is lack of planning.  Too often a business will launch an AdWords, Bing, or even Facebook ad campaign simply because they received a free $50 coupon.  Or, they’ll launch a social media campaign because [...]

How to Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

On Friday I listed the 4 Pillars of digital marketing success (Traffic, Conversion, Value, and Tracking), and I addressed the first pillar, Website Traffic.  Nearly all the buzz in the digital marketing world is about how to drive more traffic to your website, but you need to be careful because not every tactic is appropriate for [...]

1 SEO Factor You May Be Overlooking & Why It’s So Critical

When you dive into the world of search engine optimization (SEO), then it's easy to get overwhelmed very quickly.  There are hundreds of different factors that play a role in Google's ranking algorithm, Google is constantly testing edits to the design and layout of the search results, and then there's all the algorithm updates you [...]

What Should You Measure To Gauge SEO Success or Failure?

If you want to lose weight, then what do you need to measure over time to gauge  your progress?  Don't worry, this is not a trick question.  The answer is obviously to measure your weight. How about how often?  Should you weigh yourself daily or monthly? If you weigh yourself daily, then you'll likely to [...]

How to Generate More Sales from AdWords (Without Increasing Your Budget)

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of ways to increase sales from your AdWords campaign (or any marketing campaign for that matter)? Probably increase your budget right?  If you're investing $X per month to generate Y sales, then you should be able to double those sales by doubling your ad [...]

Has SEO Really Changed With All the Google Algorithm Updates?

As you probably know, Google is constantly tweaking and refining their search engine algorithm in an attempt to improve the search results for their users. It's impossible to keep track of every single change (unless you work for Google), but Moz does track the major algorithm updates if you have some time to kill. Scroll [...]

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