
How to Generate More Sales from AdWords (Without Increasing Your Budget)

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of ways to increase sales from your AdWords campaign (or any marketing campaign for that matter)? Probably increase your budget right?  If you're investing $X per month to generate Y sales, then you should be able to double those sales by doubling your ad [...]

Top 3 Causes of Marketing Failure

If you're in business for yourself, then you know how critical marketing is to the survival and long-term health of your business. You MUST have a steady flow of customers coming into your business, or else you’ll struggle to keep the lights on. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses struggle with marketing. And today, I'm going [...]

7 Simple Steps to Internet Marketing Success

If you want to improve your marketing results, but you don't know what steps to take, you're in luck -- because in this article, I'm going to outline the 7 simple steps to succeed with internet marketing. Of course, I could have added many more steps and sub-steps to over-complicate this formula, but a very [...]

Your “Summer Tune-Up” Starts Today… 3 Types of Traffic

We're into June and it's officially summer! Hope you've got some good summer plans lined up. Well, the good news from a business-building perspective is that most of your competitors will probably start relaxing and taking it easy. You see, here at Main Street ROI, we see summer as one of the best times to [...]

Internet Marketing Made Simple: The 3 Pillars

If you want to make money with your website, you really only need to focus on 3 things.  And I call them the 3 pillars because you need all 3 pieces in place, or else you'll fail.     Pillar #1. Traffic You need traffic to generate leads and customers.  Traffic is where most people [...]

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