google adwords

Is Your AdWords Campaign Optimized for Mobile Devices?

I'm not going to bore you with all the statistics about how mobile internet usage is on the rise.  You already know that.  Instead, let's dive right in and focus on how this impacts your Google AdWords campaigns. First, it's very important to know that Google AdWords ads automatically target desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices by [...]

The Most Important Google AdWords Metric & How to Track It

What if there was a way to buy your customers?  I mean, picture a store where you could find your ideal customers, place your order and walk out with your sales quota for the month. If that was real, then how much would you pay for each customer?  At what price point would your eyes light up [...]

The 3 Critical Areas to Optimize Your AdWords Campaign

When I talk to business owners who are managing their own AdWords campaigns, they typically fall into one of the following two categories: First is the "set-it-and-forget-it" management style.  They check in on the ads once a month (or so), but for the most part do not make any edits.  In other words, they are not actively managing [...]

Does Search Engine Marketing Work For Every Business?

I just had an interesting conversation with a prospective client.  He called and wanted to hire us right away for search engine marketing services, but I ending up explaining that search advertising is not a good fit! Yes, you read that correctly.  My company provides AdWords advertising services and I convinced this prospect that it [...]

One Edit to Get Better Ad Position, Cheaper Clicks & More Sales

What is the one edit you can make to a Google AdWords campaign to get better ad position, cheaper clicks and more sales? Did you know that was possible? I promise, this is not a trick question. You can literally reduce ad costs while at the same time improve your ad position and generate more [...]

How to Generate More Sales from AdWords (Without Increasing Your Budget)

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of ways to increase sales from your AdWords campaign (or any marketing campaign for that matter)? Probably increase your budget right?  If you're investing $X per month to generate Y sales, then you should be able to double those sales by doubling your ad [...]

Do Ads Affect SEO? 2 Points to Know About These Strategies

Despite a few technical hiccups, last Friday's live Google AdWords training was a huge success.  On Saturday, I received the email below from an attendee, Jorge Diaz, who thought it was the "best spent money in training." :) We'll be sending the recording this week to all registrants, so don't worry if you weren't able [...]

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