Lead Generation

Double Google AdWords Profits With Only 20% Improvements

Image Source: betterwebsites.ca What would happen to your business if you could double your profits generated from Google AdWords advertising? Well, if you're not advertising in AdWords, then I admit that wouldn't have much of an effect. :) However, the tactics I'm about to share in this article are not specific to AdWords. [...]

3 Ways We’re Using Joint Ventures to Grow Our Business

Source: b2bjointventures.com Over the past few months, we've been focusing more and more of our energy on referral marketing partnerships, for 2 big reasons: Reason #1. Your customers want and need more services and solutions than you can possibly provide to them. And therefore, you should establish relationships with other companies that you can recommend to your [...]

Why I Didn’t Respond

The other day, I received a letter in the mail and I didn't respond.  And in today’s article, I want to explain why I didn't respond. Business owners and marketers spend a lot of time trying to get people to respond, but they spend too little time addressing the many reasons why people don’t respond. If you want to [...]

Want to Multiply Your Sales? Take an Indirect Approach

Today, I want to share an advertising strategy that will probably seem risky, inefficient, or even counterproductive to you. But if you follow my advice, you may uncover an opportunity to double your sales. OK, let's get started...   2 Types of Prospects The first thing you need to know is that you have 2 [...]

Is Your Receptionist Killing Sales?

The first phone call is a critical step in the sales funnel and it's often overlooked because answering the phone appears so simple.  If you're like most businesses, then you focus on optimizing the marketing before the prospect calls and after the call is transferred to your sales team.  But what about missed calls and [...]

My #1 Tip for Generating More Leads

If you want to generate more leads, the single best thing you can do is create a lead magnet. What's A Lead Magnet? A lead magnet can take many forms, such as: Free report Free video presentation Free webinar Free coupon Free demo Typically, it's a piece of free information. And I typically recommend you [...]

Do You Make These 3 Website Mistakes?

Over the past couple months I've been reviewing a lot of our customers' websites and I'm seeing the same mistakes again and again. The 3 most common websites mistakes I see are: No compelling offer No clear call to action No lead generation   If you're making these same mistakes then you could be losing [...]

Use PURLs to Boost & Track Response Rate

Have you ever received a letter in the mail urging you to visit a webpage that has your name in the URL?  For example, I've seen postcards and letters that say, "Go to PhilFrost.domain.com" or "Get it now at Domain.com/PhilFrost." It's hard to resist checking out a website with your name in it. And that's [...]

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