How to Calculate the Potential Return on Investment from Local SEO

How much money could you make if you were ranking #1 in Google for your target keywords? That's an important question to answer because it tells you how much you can afford to invest in SEO.  The problem is there is no one-size-fits all answer to the question.  For one business the answer could be [...]

Google AdWords Campaign: 3 Phases of a Successful Effort

There are 3 distinct phases of Google AdWords advertising. And depending on which phase you're in you need to adjust your focus and your expectations for the ad campaign.  In other words, using tactics that are not appropriate for the phase you're currently in will result in poor performance. Let me put this into perspective for [...]

What Does It Mean to “Optimize” an AdWords Campaign?

Every Google AdWords campaign must be optimized after it's launched. It doesn't matter how much work goes into the campaign setup, after your ads go live you must optimize or else you'll likely fail to generate ROI. Did you know that?  Nearly every campaign will fail unless you monitor closely, make required edits, and fine [...]

It Takes a Village to Raise a Website’s Rankings

When I started back in 2006, search engine optimization (SEO) was not widely known or understood.  In fact, I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was either lying about having a job, doing something illegal, or both... :) At that time, most businesses didn't have anyone dedicated to improving their SEO.  The businesses that did, [...]

You Must Do More Than Just Install Google Analytics to Succeed With Digital Marketing

Installing Google Analytics on your website is not enough... In fact, it's not even half the battle.  If we stick with the military analogy, then installing Google Analytics is like turning on your radar system.  It's a critical step, but it's not going to do much good unless someone looks at the radar screen! That [...]

By |January 7th, 2016|Categories: Tracking and Analytics|Tags: |

Online Marketing: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Is online marketing good, bad or ugly? If I asked a handful of business owners that question, I bet I would get a few votes for each.  But which answer is correct? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Have you seen the old Clint Eastwood western movie, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly? [...]

How Google AdWords Is Like Santa Claus

In a lot of ways Google AdWords is like Santa Claus... And since today is Christmas, it's only fitting that we take a closer look at the similarities.   To children, Santa represents presents.  On Christmas he travels around the world, shimmies down chimneys, and brings gifts for all the good little boys and girls. To businesses, [...]

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