3 Types of Retargeting Ads Every Business Can Use to Increase Sales

Last week I walked through 4 steps to double your website conversion rates and today I'm going to elaborate on the 4th step, follow-up.  More specifically, how to follow up with all of those prospects that visit your website, but do not end up calling you, completing a webform, or making a purchase. For the average website, we're [...]

Look Offline to Improve Your Online Marketing

For many businesses, digital or online marketing is just a segment of the overall marketing strategy.  For example, you may also be using direct mail, TV, radio, print advertising, telemarketing, conferences, networking events, strategic partnerships, or some other "offline" marketing tactic. Now, you may be thinking that as a founder of an online marketing agency [...]

By |December 14th, 2014|Categories: Strategy|Tags: , |

Are You Looking For a Magic Marketing Pill?

When you see a diet pill that promises washboard abs in a few months, do you believe it? We all want to believe it will work because we want that push button, silver bullet solution.  But deep down I'm sure you don't really think there is a pill that will remove body fat and replace [...]

What Really Determines Success or Failure in Digital Marketing

What is the one thing that determines success for failure in a digital marketing campaign? Don't worry, I'm not going to make you wait until the end for an answer to this question... The answer is your tracking.  Literally speaking, your tracking is what tells you whether your digital marketing campaign was a success or [...]

Why Businesses Should Adopt The “Parent-Teacher Conference”

If you have kids in school, then you know this time of the year is "parent-teacher conference" season.  Even my 22-month-old daughter, Violet, who is in nursery school, had the day off on Tuesday for conferences. On one hand, it's annoying to stop the daily routine for a day and meet with the teachers.  There's [...]

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