Why I’m Grateful to Work at Main Street ROI

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. For one, it kicks off the "most wonderful time of the year" and for two, it's a holiday focused on expressing gratitude for the amazing things in our lives. Yesterday, as I spent time enjoying (way too much) food with my family, I reflected on the many things I [...]

By |November 22nd, 2016|Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

6 Reasons You’ll Be Grateful You Invested in SEO

It's the season of gratitude and giving. While we all take time to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for, it's important to make sure the success of your business is on your list. Whether you're already focused on SEO or you're considering getting started, investing in SEO is sure to make [...]

SEO Link Building: 3 Strategies for Building Your Foundation

Building a solid link foundation is critical for SEO. There are a variety of creative, more advanced tactics to build backlinks, which can be helpful for a website that already has an established SEO strategy. However, without a solid foundation, you'll struggle to rise up in the rankings. Plus, building the foundation is pretty straightforward. That's why when [...]

Why Mobile SEO is Now More Important Than Ever

It's no secret that mobile search is more popular than desktop. Following Google's May 2015 announcement that that was indeed true in 10 countries including the US and Japan, businesses everywhere started putting more effort into making sure their websites and digital marketing campaigns were mobile-friendly. Now, it's going to be even more important to make sure [...]

By |November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Mobile, Search Engine Optimization, SEO|Tags: , |

3 SEO Lessons From the 2016 Presidential Election

As we approach the end of the presidential race, it's time to reflect on what we've learned.  More specifically, what are the key takeaways that we can apply to our digital marketing? That's right, while you were watching the debates you were subconsciously learning about marketing. :) In this article, I'll walk through 3 of [...]

By |November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Search Engine Optimization, SEO|

Kate Lombardo: Team Member Spotlight

Every month, we feature a member of our team here at Main Street ROI. This month, we’re featuring our Content Marketing Manager, Kate Lombardo. How did you get into digital marketing? I’ve always been interested in the way digital marketing can help grow businesses. After majoring in communication in college, I spent a number of [...]

By |November 1st, 2016|Categories: Team Member Spotlight|

7 Tips to Optimize Your Google Adwords Campaign That Google Wishes We Kept Secret

Paying more for the same service is never a good business practice. Yet this happens all the time with Google AdWords. People who are new to AdWords set up campaigns and let them run, often with profitable results, but they don't realize they're massively overpaying for their clicks. Or, on the other end of the [...]

By |October 27th, 2016|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: |

Why Negative Keywords Will Make Your AdWords Campaign More Successful

Getting your AdWords campaigns seen by more prospects is a good thing, unless those prospects have very little chances of becoming customers. That's where negative keywords can help. Negative keywords instruct AdWords not to display your ads with specific search queries. They follow all the same rules of your standard keyword lists, meaning you can specify broad-, [...]

5 Website Ingredients to Boost Your Conversion Rates

Your website has just one job: to sell. Sounds simple, but there's a catch. Not every visitor to your website is ready to buy.  In fact, the vast majority of your website visitors are not ready. Think about that for a minute... Let's say you're a salesman and you have 100 people in a room interested in your [...]

2 Important Numbers to Know Before Optimizing Your Conversion Funnel

What does your conversion funnel look like? Whenever I ask this question, I usually get two different responses. The first is, "I don't have an conversion funnel." And the second response is, "I'm not sure what it looks like, I haven't thought about it in a long time." Here's the thing, every business has a conversion [...]

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