small business

The 27 Best Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Business Owners

Running a business is hard. Period. It takes an immense amount of dedication, focus, hard work, and time to run a successful business. There are days that the task seems incredibly daunting and that pushing forward seems impossible. But small businesses make up the backbone of our country, and as we near Thanksgiving, we want [...]

10 Unexpected Costs of Running a Small Business

This is a guest post from Amanda Cameron. Amanda is a content writer for Patriot Software, LLC.   Do you know what it really costs to keep your business going? Figuring out how to increase your profits can be tough when there are new costs around every corner. Typical small business expenses include inventory, supplies, and other [...]

How Business Friendly Is Your State?

Earlier this month, I got an update from our friends at about a new survey they recently completed with the Kauffman Foundation. Thumbtack surveyed 6,000 small business owners about the "business friendliness" of their states, and then organized that information into an online map of the survey results. Here's a quick summary of the [...]

By |May 26th, 2012|Categories: Strategy|Tags: , , |

How to Attract New Customers By Partnering With Local Businesses

Would you like to know how to attract new customers to your business, for free, with virtually zero risk? You can do this by creating what I call Reciprocal Referral relationships with other small businesses in your local community. Here’s how to do it: Step 1. Identify Potential Partners You want to work with businesses [...]

How to Increase Your Profits – and Scale Up Your Marketing

If you really want to scale up your marketing, then it’s critical to know how much you can afford to pay to get a customer.  The more you can pay to acquire a customer profitably (or at break-even), the faster you can grow your business. Let me illustrate with an example… Let’s imagine your average [...]

Small Business Online Marketing Tips

In this article, I'm going to provide some simple small business online marketing tips. Let’s say you're the owner of a small “brick and mortar” business (such as a retail store or a professional practice) and you want to get started marketing online. What's the best way to get started? Where there are a lot [...]

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