
6 Digital Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Embrace digital marketing. If you want to spread the word about your business, then that's what you've got to do. Newspaper and radio ads are still effective for small business advertising, but let's face it - those old-school mediums don't hold a candle to SEO, social media marketing, PPC marketing or other forms of going [...]

By |June 15th, 2017|Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

How to Create Facebook Ads That People Love (& Also Generate Sales)

The holy grail of advertising is to create an ad that people like and actually want to share with friends, while at the same time including an offer to drive leads and sales. Watch a few Geico commercials to see how it's done. However, most ads fall well short of that lofty, 2-pronged goal.  They typically [...]

10 Unexpected Costs of Running a Small Business

This is a guest post from Amanda Cameron. Amanda is a content writer for Patriot Software, LLC.   Do you know what it really costs to keep your business going? Figuring out how to increase your profits can be tough when there are new costs around every corner. Typical small business expenses include inventory, supplies, and other [...]

5 Digital Marketing Trends That Are Here to Stay in 2017

We're about to ring in the new year where people across the world will set their resolutions for 2017. Along with your personal resolution, why not make a resolution to guarantee that 2017 is the best year yet when it comes to your digital marketing? In order to do that, you need to make sure you [...]

Our Top 6 Favorite Tools from 2016

This past Friday the Main Street ROI team got together for our end of the year meetings and holiday celebration. During my meeting with Phil and Pete they asked me about my favorite tools we used throughout 2016 and why I liked each one. While my answer included some tools I'd used in previous years, there [...]

By |December 21st, 2016|Categories: Strategy|

Marketing Plan Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Election

If you haven't already, then now is the time to create your marketing plan for 2017. This can be a daunting task, even for savvy marketers.  That's why in this article I'm going to answer one of the most frequently asked questions about marketing plans, "What makes a great marketing plan?" And to help answer [...]

Simple 3-Step Marketing Plan Process for 2017

Now that we're in December it's time to get serious about finalizing your marketing plan for 2017.  With the holidays only a couple weeks away, it's easy to keep pushing this to the bottom of your to do list. But, if you don't get it done now it's likely to get pushed off until after the [...]

By |November 29th, 2016|Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

Why I’m Grateful to Work at Main Street ROI

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. For one, it kicks off the "most wonderful time of the year" and for two, it's a holiday focused on expressing gratitude for the amazing things in our lives. Yesterday, as I spent time enjoying (way too much) food with my family, I reflected on the many things I [...]

By |November 22nd, 2016|Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

Why Content Marketing is the Key to Business Success

The phrase "content is key" has been buzzing around the marketing world for quite some time now. It's an easy statement to make, but not necessarily an easy one to fully understand for anyone who don't specialize in marketing or writing. In this article, I'll explain exactly what content marketing is and why you should start using [...]

By |September 14th, 2016|Categories: Copywriting, Strategy|Tags: |

3 Risks to Be Aware of When Researching Digital Marketing

When was the last time you took out an encyclopedia or looked something up in the dictionary? That's probably a tough thing to remember but there was a time that using them was the only way to find information. Then came Google. With mobile search, getting instant answers to your questions is incredibly fast and [...]

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