
10 Google Ads Challenges for Small Businesses and How to Overcome Them

Harnessing the full potential of Google Ads is easier said than done, especially if you're a small business owner who is new to online advertising. But make no mistake -- overcoming the challenges of using Google Ads is more than worth your while. Cultivating effective ad campaigns requires research, optimization, and a whole lot of [...]

How to Track the Quantity & Quality of Phone Calls from Google Ads

Recently, one of our SEO clients approached us for help with Google Ads, and she asked us to audit her Google Ads account to answer this question: "Which keywords and ads drove a recent influx of new phone call leads?" This is a common situation where a business sees an increase in calls and wants [...]

5 Google Ads Tips to Start Seeing Results Right Now

Getting started with Google Ads is easy, and blowing through an advertising budget is even easier -- but are you getting the results you want? Many small business owners plunge into Google's PPC advertising platform without any real knowledge about how to audit their campaigns. All too often, they see their clicks and impressions piling [...]

How to Spy on Your Competitor’s Google Ads Campaigns

Have you ever wished you could figure out what your competitors are doing with their Google Ads campaigns? If you could just know what keywords they were using, what all their ads looked like, and which ones worked best, you'd have a fighting chance at beating them, right? Well, we're about to divulge a way [...]

By |November 29th, 2020|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: , |

[Google Ads Case Study] The Solution to Unqualified Leads

Recently, we started working with a client to improve their Google Ads campaigns.  More specifically, we were hired because their sales team consistently complained they were, "getting the wrong kinds of leads!"  Sound familiar? In other words, the ad campaign was driving too many unqualified prospects and the sales team was sick of weeding through [...]

Master Your Marketing Series Recap: PPC Industry Benchmarks from 50k Campaigns

Since August, we’ve partnered with other marketing professionals to present our Master Your Marketing Webinar Series. Once a month, we bring you digital marketing experts to share actionable advice, illuminating case studies, tips, and tricks to help you develop insight and skills around different aspects of marketing.  Last month, we had the pleasure of hearing from Beth [...]

5 AdWords Tips to Maximize Your Campaigns in 2018

AdWords campaigns are a lot like baking. In baking, the vast majority of the work is done before you put anything in the oven. Baking requires preparing with exact measurements, temperatures, and times. With each of these prep elements, a subtle or accidental change can easily mess everything up. AdWords campaigns, like baking, rewards meticulous [...]

By |December 10th, 2017|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: , |

6 Adwords Tips to Maximize Your Campaigns for 2017

This week I've heard a lot about New Year's resolutions and goals for 2017.  For businesses using Google AdWords, those resolutions include something about maximizing their ad budgets to ensure a strong ROI. I wanted to learn more about this so I asked three of our Google AdWords Analysts - Jane, Lisa, and Kwasi - to [...]

How to Use Remarketing to Boost Google AdWords Campaign Performance

Which prospect do you think is easier to convert into a customer via digital advertising? Prospect A who has never heard of your business, or Prospect B who has already visited your website and is familiar with your products and services No, this is not a trick question... Clearly prospect B would be more likely [...]

AdWords Quick Start Guide: 10 Steps to Get Started with AdWords

According to Google, businesses make an average of $2 from every $1 spent on AdWords. With numbers like that, there’s no doubt that starting an AdWords campaign could be game-changing for your business. But, AdWords can be complicated and overwhelming if you’re using it for the first time and unsuccessful campaigns can be expensive. Creating a [...]

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