
Digital Marketing Return On Investment: 3 Steps to Improve It

I recently received the following question, "What are the steps to improve my marketing return on investment?" Like most general marketing questions like this, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.  The steps for your business may not be the same for my business and vice versa.  It all depends on your current situation. So the bad news here is [...]

Marketing 101: Why Conversion is Key to Your Success

Your conversion rate is hands-down the most important metric in digital marketing. Everything you do in online marketing is designed to convert visitors to your website into paying customers for your business.  And conversion rates don't just include sales -- people who make appointments, fill out contact forms, call you, and request free quotes also count [...]

Top 3 Causes of Marketing Failure

If you're in business for yourself, then you know how critical marketing is to the survival and long-term health of your business. You MUST have a steady flow of customers coming into your business, or else you’ll struggle to keep the lights on. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses struggle with marketing. And today, I'm going [...]

Internet Marketing Made Simple: The 3 Pillars

If you want to make money with your website, you really only need to focus on 3 things.  And I call them the 3 pillars because you need all 3 pieces in place, or else you'll fail.     Pillar #1. Traffic You need traffic to generate leads and customers.  Traffic is where most people [...]

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