How to Make the Most of Your Website Content on Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world with 1.8 billion monthly active users that cover almost every demographic out there. Therefore, your target audience probably uses it, so it's important to take advantage of it when marketing your business. Creating content for social media can be quite overwhelming when you're already publishing [...]

7 Best Email Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Despite cries that email is ineffective or dying, a statistics report by Radicati showed that there are currently over 2.8 billion people using email, and that number is expected to grow to over 3 billion by 2020. But, with so many businesses sending out emails, getting prospects to pay attention can be tough. Email marketing [...]

ALT Text for Images: Do You Really Need It?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Not only do photos on your website pages help to bring clarity to your content, images make content more desirable because they are visually appealing. Looking at big blocks of text isn't exactly motivating. But if you break up those blocks of text with images, most [...]

The Value of Internal Linking on Your Site

Internal linking may not be the most glamorous part of SEO, but the value of internal linking is definitely something small business owners should be excited about. Building internal links is a key part of building strong SEO and understanding why will help you see that it needs special attention.   Internal Linking: What Is [...]

The Importance of Headers on Your Website Pages

Headers are crucial to a well-structured website page and you should use them. Correction - you need to use them. If you're unsure of how to use them, this article will leave you feeling much more confident about what they are and how to use them correctly on your website. About Headers Let's start with [...]

Why Screaming Frog Is the Best SEO Tune Up Tool

Due to the ever-changing world of SEO, there comes a time when you have to go through your website to ensure it meets best practices according to Google. While you could simply go through every single page of your site to do a SEO audit, it's not feasible for those who have websites with hundreds [...]

By |April 26th, 2018|Categories: Search Engine Optimization, SEO|Tags: , |

How to Write Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for Higher Click Through Rates

Rankings on search engine results pages don't matter if people aren't enticed to click on the link to your website. Since the first things people see when they look at search results are title tags and meta descriptions, they are extremely important in getting Internet users to click through to your site. Let me explain [...]

By |April 19th, 2018|Categories: SEO|Tags: , |

5 Types of Attention-Grabbing Email Marketing Subject Lines

You can't judge a book by the cover may hold true, but when it comes to email subject lines, many people decide to open an email based on them. It's why email marketers often spend a considerable amount of time researching which subject lines work the best with their recipients. Email marketing has and probably [...]

By |April 13th, 2018|Categories: Email Marketing|Tags: |

7 Ways to Grow Your Followers on Twitter Without Paying for Them

This blog article is a guest post from Kori Hill Wallace from AddThis.   A New York Times article about the practice of paying for Twitter followers recently caused a news feed frenzy. The exposé not only included figures for what it costs to increase your following, but also name dropped some of the more famous [...]

How to Increase Sales Using Email Marketing

It's easy to overlook the benefits of using email marketing. Many people are so focused on SEO, social media, and link building that they forget about the power of email marketing. Part of the reason is that there are many misconceptions about it. People don't think email marketing works, or at least, they don't believe [...]

By |April 5th, 2018|Categories: Email Marketing|Tags: |
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