A webpage title, or title tag, is arguably the most important element on a webpage for search engine optimization (SEO). Part of your meta data, which tells Google what your page is about, the page title is similar to the chapter title of a book.

When you incorporate your desired keyword into the title tag of your webpage, it can help that page rank higher in Google for that keyword phrase.

Also, you should know that title tag is the blue underlined link that shows up in the search results.  So, a well-written title tag can also generate more clicks from the search engine results pages. For that reason, you don’t want to write a title tag that would look funny (avoid stuffing keywords).

Title tags should be 50 to 65 characters long, clear and descriptive.

Not sure how to write a title tag? Here’s a sample template for a local small business:

{Type of Business/Service} in {Your City} | {Name of Your Company}

For example:

Roofing Services in New York City | Paul’s Roofing Company

It’s also important to make sure that each page’s title tag is unique. You can use a service like Screaming Frog SEO Spider to check to see if you have any title tags that are duplicate or too short or too long.

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At Main Street ROI, we specialize in providing SEO services for small businesses. If you’d like help with your SEO, contact us for a free quote.

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