Use the menu bar on the right to navigate to each of the 4 presentations and course material. SEO Jumpstart is organized into 4 core SEO topics:Class Archives
Started on February 11, 2013
Welcome to SEO Jumpstart!
Use the menu bar on the right to navigate to each of the 4 presentations and course material. SEO Jumpstart is organized into 4 core SEO topics:
- Keyword Research: Identify your target “buying-intent” keywords
- Website Relevance: Create and edit your webpages to be relevant to your target keywords
- Website Reputation: Build your webpage authority to boost your rankings
- SEO Revenue: Convert website traffic into paying customers, clients, or patients and create your long term plan
To schedule the your 1-on-1 consultations, contact our Client Services Manager, Andrea Rozman, at andrea.rozman@mainstreetroi.com or call 646-470-3753 x20 with your available days and times. We will schedule on a first come, first serve basis during the 3rd and 6th weeks of the class.
Started on February 11, 2013
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