Register for Free Webinar:
“Introduction To Retargeting”
The One Type Of Advertising That
Every Business Should Be Using

  1. Meet the Presenters

Your Host

Phil Frost
Managing Partner
Main Street ROI

Featured Expert

Hafez Adel
Senior Director of Marketing

Join me for this FREE live webinar interview with Hafez Adel of ReTargeter.

When you attend this webinar, you’ll discover:

  1. What is retargeting, how it works, and why EVERY business should be taking advantage of this breakthrough advertising technology.
  2. How you can use retargeting to generate more paying customers at a profit, while presenting an impressive brand image, all for much less than you’d expect…
  3. The simple steps to get started with retargeting, plus common mistakes to avoid

PLUS, you’ll have an opportunity for LIVE Q&A with Hafez and Phil.

Our guest expert, Hafez Adel, is the Senior Director of Marketing at ReTargeter. He has spoken at SoCon, Digital Hollywood, and Dreamforce on topics ranging from Social Media for Advocacy, Inbound Marketing Strategies, and Ad Targeting, and has written on topics such as display advertising, retargeting, PPC, and leveraging digital marketing for branding.

This is a rare opportunity to get FREE expert advice from two online advertising experts, so don’t miss it!

Here’s What You Need to Do Next

Enter your name and email address in the form below. This will register you and you’ll get dial in instructions in a follow up email.

(for text reminder)

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See you on the webinar!

Phil Frost
Managing Partner
Main Street ROI

Privacy is important to us, we will not share or sell your information to any other organization.
Please note upon registration you will also receive a complimentary subscription to Phil Frost’s
“Main Street Marketing Tips” newsletter.

About Main Street ROI
Phil Frost is the co-founder of Main Street ROI, a company that helps businesses improve their online marketing results. Since 2010, Main Street ROI has helped more than 500 small businesses create profitable online marketing campaigns. Main Street ROI’s marketing and business advice has been featured in: