Do you have a great article to share?
We are always looking for useful, interesting new (100% original, not re-published) articles to showcase with our audience of small business owners and marketing professionals.
Get Free Exposure! We will post your guest article on our blog, promote it via our social media channels, and broadcast it to our thousands of email newsletter subscribers.
Here are our requirements:
- Provide useful, actionable advice based on your real-world experience (no “theory” please!)
- Include a story or case study to bring your lessons to life
- Use conversational language (write like you speak)
- Break up your content with sub-headers, short paragraphs and bullet points so it’s easier to read
- Length: 1,000+ words (we prefer more in-depth articles)
- Include a brief bio with a link to your website (photo optional)
Suggested Topics
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
- Google Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Direct-Response Copywriting
- Conversion Rate Optimization
- Sales Strategies & Techniques
- Joint Ventures & Partnerships
- Direct Mail
Ready to get started?
The first step is to apply to become a guest contributor. We’ll review your background and writing samples, and if it looks like a good match, we’ll be in touch to discuss potential guest article ideas.
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