Pay Per Click Advertising

Form Submission Tracking Using a “Thank You” Page in Google Ads

Learn how to set up form submission conversion tracking in Google Ads by using a "thank you" page. In this video, Riley walks through the process of configuring the conversion goal in Google Ads, how to set up the tag in Google Tag Manager, and how to make sure the tag is working correctly. Conversion [...]

What Are Negative Keywords, and How to Use Them in Your Google Ads Campaign

A business analytics company targeting enterprise companies bids on keywords around data science and business intelligence, yet its PPC campaign includes people looking for jobs in data science and BI. An optometrist running a search campaign focuses on the keyword “glasses” but finds her ads are being shown to people searching for wine glasses or [...]

By |May 9th, 2024|Categories: Google Ads, SEO|

Landing Page FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Where do you send people when they click on a Facebook or Google ad? Your homepage? Perhaps a page you already have set up for the service you’re advertising? While the latter is definitely better than the former, you might be surprised to learn that neither of these is ideal—you should direct people to a [...]

By |April 12th, 2024|Categories: Facebook Ads, Google Ads|

Getting Started with Google Ads: How to Determine Your Test Budget

If you're considering launching a Google Ads campaign, you may be asking yourself, "How much do I need to invest to test this out?  Is $100 enough or do I need thousands?" It's an important question and I hear it all the time from prospective clients. Unfortunately, this question is impossible to answer without further [...]

By |March 21st, 2024|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|

10 Google Ads Challenges for Small Businesses and How to Overcome Them

Harnessing the full potential of Google Ads is easier said than done, especially if you're a small business owner who is new to online advertising. But make no mistake -- overcoming the challenges of using Google Ads is more than worth your while. Cultivating effective ad campaigns requires research, optimization, and a whole lot of [...]

How Buying a Puppy Is a Lot Like Launching Google Ads

For about a year, my kids relentlessly asked for a dog, and my wife and I finally agreed to go look and get more information. Our plan was to see what kinds of dogs were available and how much they cost so that we'd be ready to buy one after we move into a bigger [...]

By |February 2nd, 2024|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|

4 Steps to Create Your Digital Marketing Plan for 2024

We're already a few weeks into the New Year, so it's time to buckle down and create your marketing plan for 2024 if you haven’t already.  If you have writer's block, then this 4-step process will help you kick-start your planning. Before we dive in, I need to clear up an all too common misconception [...]

Why Many Businesses LOSE Money With Google Ads

Google Ads search advertising can be one of the best investments for your business for 2 very good reasons: Highly targeted - Your ad only appears when people are searching for your product or service in Google.  So you get in front of your ideal customer at the exact time she's looking to buy. Low risk - [...]

What You Need to Know About Google Ads Quality Score

Whether you use Google Ads all the time or have toyed with the idea of starting a campaign, you've likely heard about Google’s ‘Quality Score’ -- the rating that Google gives your targeted keywords based on a number of different factors.  This score is also used to determine your cost per click (CPC) and ad [...]

By |January 5th, 2024|Categories: Pay Per Click Advertising|Tags: |

SEO vs Google Ads: Which Should You Choose? | Pros and Cons

In a perfect world, you’d have a marketing budget for SEO and Google Ads, but unfortunately, that’s not the world most small business owners live in! We always recommend pursuing both SEO and Google Ads for businesses that can afford it, but there’s a certain point where a budget is so tight that it’s better [...]

By |December 29th, 2023|Categories: Google Ads, SEO|
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