Lead Generation

How Direct Mail Can Improve Digital Marketing Results

This is a guest post by Summer Gould of Eye/Comm Inc. For several years now, some marketers have claimed that direct mail is dead and digital is the best place to invest their marketing dollars. It seems that direct mail, since it has been around for a very long time, has fallen out of favor [...]

7 Ideas to Generate More Leads from Your Website

If you're looking for ideas to generate more leads from your website, then you've come to the right place.  In this article, I'll walk through 7 tactics that nearly every business can use that will convert your website from a passive brochure into a 24/7 lead generating machine. Before we get into the tactics, it's important [...]

5 Reasons to Start Blogging (Even If You Hate to Write)

I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  In fact, one of the main reasons I studied engineering in college was because there were no writing assignments.  And on the rare occasion I did have to write a paper for school I would always double space with Courier New font.  :) Yet, last year [...]

3 Ways Online Marketing Can Boost Your Offline Marketing ROI

Obviously I think online marketing  is great, but I also realize that many businesses do not (and should not) rely 100% on online marketing.  Other traditional "offline" marketing tactics like direct mail, telemarketing, print ads, TV, radio, conferences, etc. can also be very profitable methods to drive sales. And if you're already getting results from your offline marketing, then I have some great news. [...]

How to Generate More Sales from AdWords (Without Increasing Your Budget)

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of ways to increase sales from your AdWords campaign (or any marketing campaign for that matter)? Probably increase your budget right?  If you're investing $X per month to generate Y sales, then you should be able to double those sales by doubling your ad [...]

The 4 Ways 1 Article Can Supercharge Your Marketing

Yesterday, I presented How to Create All of Your Marketing Content in Just Minutes per Month.  In case you missed it, I'm going to highlight one of the most important points in this blog post. About halfway in to my presentation, I explained the 4 different ways you can use an article to improve your [...]

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