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AdWords Client Information
1. If you have multiple products and services, which is the ONE product or service you are MOST interested in advertising with Google AdWords?
2. Please describe your target customer in as much detail as you can.
3. What words and phrases do you think your potential customers would search in Google to find your products or services? (We will conduct our own research, and this will help get us started in the right direction.)
4. What are the DESIRED RESULTS that your customers hope to get from your products/services? (For example, one desired result of a massage is relaxation)
5. List 1 – 5 of your direct competitors.
6. What makes your product or service better than your competitors?
7. What kind of Special Offer can you make to attract new customers? (Examples: free shipping, money-back guarantee, free quote, free consultation, etc)
8. Please provide testimonials, or provide a link if they are on your website.
9. Please provide any credibility indicators like awards and associations you’re a member of.
10. Please provide website login information we’ll need in order to make edits to your website. We will not make any edits before your approval.
11. Please provide your Google AdWords Customer ID number. Your AdWords Customer ID number is located in the upper right corner when you log into your Google AdWords account. It’s formatted like this: 123-123-1234. Once you provide your AdWords Customer ID number, I’ll send you a request to gain access to your account, so I can conduct my review and then tune-up your campaign!
12. Website
13. First Name
14. Last Name
15. Email
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