
Pros and Cons of Investing in Social Media Marketing

Social media is a crowded space with a lot of options, yet the marketing potential for social media extends beyond simply posting and watching the interactions pour in. There are numerous ways to invest in social media marketing, but not all will produce the type of return on investment (ROI) you’re looking for as a [...]

Social Media Marketing Strategy: 6 Reasons You Need One

In case you haven't noticed, social media is not just a fad... It's also not just for teeny boppers. That means that it provides a valuable opportunity for your small business to reach a broader audience and market your products or services. Even if you already know this, you still might be struggling to answer this question... [...]

How to Decide Which Social Media Platform to Use for Your Business

Success with social media marketing hinges on your decision about which network(s) to focus on. Choose the wrong network and you could end up wasting your valuable time and resources with little to no gain.  Choose too many networks and you'll spread yourself and your team too thin to be effective. The solution is simple [...]

By |June 10th, 2018|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

How to Make the Most of Your Website Content on Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world with 1.8 billion monthly active users that cover almost every demographic out there. Therefore, your target audience probably uses it, so it's important to take advantage of it when marketing your business. Creating content for social media can be quite overwhelming when you're already publishing [...]

Which One Should I Choose: The Social Media Debate

When looking at all the options on social media channels, it’s easy to get lost in the online chatter. Source: Shariff.org With Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Quora, Slideshare, and on and on and on, its no wonder that so many small business owners immediately feel intimidated by social media. After all, how can you [...]

By |September 20th, 2012|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , , , |

Case Study: Do Facebook ads actually work?

Tonight, I was getting caught up on my podcasts... I just listened to the NPR Planet Money episode from a couple weeks ago, about Facebook's IPO. The episode cast doubt on Facebook's lofty $100 billion pre-IPO valuation (I share the skepticism). That inflated valuation was based on 2 assumptions, among others: Assumption #1: To have [...]

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